ॐ कार मंत्र जैसे दूसरे २० मंत्र और हैं | उनको बोलते हैं बीज मंत्र | उसका अर्थ खोजो तो समझ में नही आएगा लेकिन अंदर
की शक्तियों को विकसित कर देते हैं | सब बिज मंत्रो का अपना-अपना प्रभाव
होता है | जैसे ॐ कार बीज मंत्र है ऐसे २० दूसरे भी हैं |
ॐ बं ये शिवजी की पूजा में बीज मंत्र लगता है | ये बं बं.... अर्थ को जो तुम बं बं.....जो शिवजी की पूजा में करते हैं | लेकिन बं.... उच्चारण करने से वायु प्रकोप दूर हो जाता है | गठिया ठीक हो जाता है | शिव रात्रि के दिन सवा लाख जप करो बं..... शब्द, गैस ट्रबल कैसी भी हो भाग जाती है | बीज मंत्र है |
ऐसे ही साधको को एक बिज मंत्र देते हैं|
खं.... हार्ट-टैक कभी नही होता है | हाई बी.पी., लो बी.पी. कभी नही होता | ५० माला जप करें, तो लीवर ठीक हो जाता है | १०० माला जप करें तो शनि देवता के ग्रह का प्रभाव चला जाता है | खं शब्द |
ऐसे ही ब्रह्म परमात्मा का कं शब्द है | ब्रह्म वाचक | तो ब्रह्म परमात्मा के ३ विशेष मंत्र हैं | ॐ, खं और कं |
ऐसे ही रामजी के आगे भी एक बीज मंत्र लग जाता है | रीं रामाय नम: ||
कृष्ण जी के मंत्र के आगे बीज मंत्र लग जाता है | क्लीं कृष्णाय नम: ||
तो जैसे एक-एक के आगे, एक-एक के साथ मिंडी लगा दो तो १० गुना हो गया | ऐसे ही आरोग्य में भी ॐ हुं विष्णवे नम: | तो हुं बिज मंत्र है | ॐ बिज मंत्र है | विष्णवे..., तो विष्णु भगवान का सुमिरन | ये आरोग्य के मंत्र हैं | तो बिज मंत्र जिसमें जितने |
एक मैं मंत्र देता हूँ, जो एकदम सीरियस है, केस ठीक नही है, डॉक्टरों को समझ में नही आ रहा, तबियत ठीक नही है, फलाना है, धिन्गना है, एकदम विशेष जो रोगग्रस्त अथवा समस्या से, तकलीफ से ग्रस्त है | उनको मैं मंत्र देता हूँ | उसको मैंने ऐसे ही विनोद में नाम रख दिया यमराज का मोबाईल नम्बर है, तो उसमें ४ बिज मंत्र हैं |
तो बीज मंत्रो की साधना अथवा बीज मंत्रो का प्रभाव उसी सच्चिदानंद परमात्मा से आता है |
ये जो देवता लोग आशीर्वाद देते हैं अथवा जिनका आशीर्वाद पड़ता है, उनके जीवन में बीज मंत्रो का भी प्रभाव पड़ता है |
Beej(Seed) mantras
There are 20 more mantras like AUM-kar mantra. These are known as seed mantras. You can never understand the meaning of these mantras but these mantras are effective in awakening the inner powers. Every seed mantra has its own special impact. Just like AUM mantra, there are 20 other mantras.
BAM - This mantra is effective during prayers for Lord Shiva. It is same as the BAM .. BAM ... that is recited during invocations to Lord Shiva. Chanting BAM ... can alleviate gas related ailments. Arthritis can be cured. On the night of Shivratri, reciting it one and quarter lakh times... can alleviate even the worst of gas troubles. There is another seed mantra which is also offered to all aspirants.
KHAM - This mantra ensures that heart attack can never occur. One is never troubled with high or low blood pressure. If one can recite 50 malas, then liver can be permanently cured. If one can recite 100 malas, then ill influence of Lord Shani will disappear forever from your life. i.e. using KHAM syllable.
There is another similar syllable for Brahma Supreme soul, KAM, also called as Brahma vaachak. So, Lord Brahma has three special mantras: AUM, KHAM and KAM.
Similarly, there is a mantra which is affixed in front of Lord Rama's mantra. REEM RAMAAYA NAMAH ||
Similarly, there is a mantra which is affixed in front of Lord Krishna's mantra. KLEEM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH ||
Just as adding a zero in front of ones increases its value ten times. Such is a similar mantra , AUM HOOM VISHNAVE NAMAH | HOOM is the seed mantra. AUM is a seed mantra. VISHNAVE is recollection of Lord's name. So, this mantra is beneficial in improving health as it has a number of seed mantras.
I also offer a mantra for those serious cases,where doctors are not able to diagnose the situation, health is degrading gradually. You are troubled with humdrum ailments, always sick or in pain. Funnily, I have also renamed this as the mobile number of Yama Raaj, this mantra has four seed mantras.
So, the effect of seed mantras or their powers all come from that supreme soul.
Also, when Gods grant boons or people receive blessings from others, all these are accomplished by the power of seed mantras only.
Beej(Seed) mantras
There are 20 more mantras like AUM-kar mantra. These are known as seed mantras. You can never understand the meaning of these mantras but these mantras are effective in awakening the inner powers. Every seed mantra has its own special impact. Just like AUM mantra, there are 20 other mantras.
BAM - This mantra is effective during prayers for Lord Shiva. It is same as the BAM .. BAM ... that is recited during invocations to Lord Shiva. Chanting BAM ... can alleviate gas related ailments. Arthritis can be cured. On the night of Shivratri, reciting it one and quarter lakh times... can alleviate even the worst of gas troubles. There is another seed mantra which is also offered to all aspirants.
KHAM - This mantra ensures that heart attack can never occur. One is never troubled with high or low blood pressure. If one can recite 50 malas, then liver can be permanently cured. If one can recite 100 malas, then ill influence of Lord Shani will disappear forever from your life. i.e. using KHAM syllable.
There is another similar syllable for Brahma Supreme soul, KAM, also called as Brahma vaachak. So, Lord Brahma has three special mantras: AUM, KHAM and KAM.
Similarly, there is a mantra which is affixed in front of Lord Rama's mantra. REEM RAMAAYA NAMAH ||
Similarly, there is a mantra which is affixed in front of Lord Krishna's mantra. KLEEM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH ||
Just as adding a zero in front of ones increases its value ten times. Such is a similar mantra , AUM HOOM VISHNAVE NAMAH | HOOM is the seed mantra. AUM is a seed mantra. VISHNAVE is recollection of Lord's name. So, this mantra is beneficial in improving health as it has a number of seed mantras.
I also offer a mantra for those serious cases,where doctors are not able to diagnose the situation, health is degrading gradually. You are troubled with humdrum ailments, always sick or in pain. Funnily, I have also renamed this as the mobile number of Yama Raaj, this mantra has four seed mantras.
So, the effect of seed mantras or their powers all come from that supreme soul.
Also, when Gods grant boons or people receive blessings from others, all these are accomplished by the power of seed mantras only.
- Pujya Bapuji Surat 26th Dec' 2012
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