१. सोमवती अमावस्या - (23rd Jan'12, 18th June'12, 15th Oct'12)
२. रविवार को सप्तमी हो जाए. (15th Jan'12, 29th Jan'12, 27th May'12, 7th Oct'12, 21st Oct'12)
३. मंगलवार की चतुर्थी हो जाए.(10th Apr'12, 24th Apr'12, 8th May'12, 21st Aug'12, 4th Sep'12, 18th Sep,12)
४. बुधवार की अष्टमी हो जाए. (15th Feb'12, 29th Feb'12, 14th Mar'12,27th June'12, 11th July'12, 7th Nov'12, 21st Nov'12, 19th Dec'12 )
इन तिथियों पर जप/ध्यान का फल ग्रहण के समय किये ही जप/ध्यान के सामान होता है. इसलिए हमें इन तिथियों पर जादा जप करना चाहिए, जिस से हमें थोडे में ही जादा लाभ मिले
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सोमवती अमावस्या के दिन 108 बार अगर तुलसी की परिक्रमा करते हो, ओंकार का थोड़ा जप करते हो, सूर्य नारायण को अर्घ्य देते हो; यह सब साथ में करो तो अच्छा है, नहीं तो खाली तुलसी को 108 बार प्रदक्षिणा करने से तुम्हारे घर से दरिद्रता भाग जाएगी l
- बिना नमक का भोजन करें
- मंगल देव का मानसिक आह्वान करो
- चन्द्रमा में गणपति की भावना करके अर्घ्य दें
कितना भी कर्ज़दार हो ..काम धंधे से बेरोजगार हो ..रोज़ी रोटी तो मिलेगी और कर्जे से छुटकारा मिलेगा
--17th Jan'10, उज्जैन
Special occasion for Japa and Meditation
On these following days, performing recitation and meditation will bear thousand times more virtues similar to the benefits of performing them during a solar/lunar eclipse.
1. Somvati Amavasya - (23rd Jan'12, 18th June'12, 15th Oct'12)
2. Ravivari Saptami (15th Jan'12, 29th Jan'12, 27th May'12, 7th Oct'12, 21st Oct'12)
3. Mangalvari Chaturthi (10th Apr'12, 24th Apr'12, 8th May'12, 21st Aug'12, 4th Sep'12, 18th Sep,12)
4. Budhhvari Asthami (15th Feb'12, 29th Feb'12, 14th Mar'12,27th June'12, 11th July'12, 7th Nov'12, 21st Nov'12, 19th Dec'12 )
Performing recitation and meditation on these days bear thousand times more virtues, similar to the benefits of performing them during a solar/lunar eclipse. So,we should also take advantage of these days so that we can earn more virtues with minimal effort.
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On Somvati Amavasya, circling around Basil plant for 108 times and reciting AUM mantra for a while, offering oblations to Surya Narayan will drive away any level of poverty from your home. Even if you cannot do the rest, simply circling around Basil plant for 108 times will offer the same benefit.
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On the eve of Mangalvaar Chaturthi - Angaar Chaturthi, one should leave aside all work and perform meditation and recitation. It offers the same virtue of doing japa-meditation during solar eclipse.
- Take meals without salt.
- Offer mental prayers to Mangal Lord.
- Observe the image of Lord Ganesha in the moon and offer oblations. Irrespective of the financial dearth..or .. troubled with unemployment... You will not only settle down in a good job, but will also find yourself freed from the bondage of loans.