फीके दूध में (गरम दूध हो) हल्दी डालकर पियो एंटीबायोटीक का बाप है | कभी एंटीबायोटीक की जरुरत पड़े तो शुद्ध हल्दी हो गरम दूध ...शक्कर न डाला हुआ उसमे मिलके पियो | दूध का दूध एंटीबायोटीक का एंटीबायोटीक ...बढ़िया हो जायेगा | पेनकिलर दर्द होता है तो थोडा खानपान में ध्यान रखे ..जौ का दलिया और जौ के अट्टे की रोटी खायें, तो शरीर में अन्दर जहाँ भी सुजन है जिसके कारण तकलीफ होती है वो चली जायेगी | जो आदमी जौ का दलिया और जौ की रोटी खाता है उसको बुढ़ापे में और जब तक जीयेगा तब तक किडनी ख़राब नहीं होती|
Beware of painkillers and antibiotics :-
Never take painkillers... if you want to keep your kidneys in healthy condition. Never have paracetamol if you want to keep your body and stomach in healthy condition. They causally show on TV that " What happened? Is it Headache? Why don't you take something? Yes, Paracetamol... Relief!". There is no benefit from Paracetamol. The guy on the TV was just acting and got paid for it. Whereas you are one who will be actually having it and falling ill. You must stay away from these antibiotics and pain killers. If they are lying around somewhere in the house, throw them away in the drain. Don't even offer them for free to anyone.
If you add turmeric to warm milk, it is the king of all antibiotics. But make sure not to add any sugar to that milk. You will get all benefits of drinking milk and will also act as antibiotic. If you are suffering from pain, then have dahlia made from barley(jau) or roti made from barley (jau)...then it has the power to get rid of any swelling and pain in the body. One who has dahlia made from barley(jau) or roti made from barley(jau), he will have a healthy kidney even in old age.
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- Shri Sureshanandji Delhi 2nd Aug' 2012
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